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How to Auto-generate Bookmarks and Links in Word a...
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To automatically create Bookmarks and Links in your Word documents, and have Acrobat automatically convert the URLs in your Word documents to live links when the file is converted to PDF.

Simply adjust your Acrobat settings to automatically perform both of these tasks in just a few steps.

Here's how:

->Open Adobe Acrobat.

->Click EDIT from the options in the upper-left corner.

->Scroll down the display of features and select PREFERENCES. Opening the PREFERENCES dialogue box opens.

->Choose CONVERT TO PDF from the list of CATEGORIES on the far left of the PREFERENCES display. The CONVERTING TO PDF options display on the right.

->Select MS OFFICE WORD from the list of file types.

->Use the EDIT SETTINGS button to view and edit the settings for the Word documents that you convert to PDF. The ADOBE PDF SETTINGS pop-up displays.

->Check the box to ADD BOOKMARKS TO PDF FILE.

->Check the box to ADD LINKS TO PDF FILE.

->Click the OK button. The PREFERENCES dialogue box remains.

->Click the OK button in THE PREFERENCES pop-up.

When done, make sure to check your PDFs to ensure that the bookmarks were added properly and that the URLs have converted to working links.

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